The Zenotech team is looking forward to an exciting year ahead, filled with innovative, collaborative projects that strengthen UK industry.
Such innovative work will build on our success last year, when we were one of the finalists at the eminent Oracle Innovation Award in the “move workloads to the cloud” category. One of the projects which helped us gain this recognition is Hyperflux ++ – an Innovate UK and ATI collaboration.
Our development of ZCFD, an affordable computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver, was supported through this “Hyperflux++” project, which we are leading on with CFMS, Bombardier, and the Aircraft Research Association. Aligning with government strategies to improve ICT and high-value manufacturing, Hyperflux is a UK-based software development programme, designed to drive increased efficiency in the aerospace industry.
The project aims to fine-tune the performance and cost-effectiveness for aerodynamic modelling of undercarriages and nacelles. We’ve already shared our results at a NASA event, and watch this space for updates…
So, here’s to another year of innovation in CFD. To find out more about working with us, do get in touch.