We were proud to participate in Airbus DiPaRT 2017 again this year, hosted by CFMS in our home-town of Bristol sharing our latest products and advanced solutions.
DiPaRT is the annual showcase for UK research and development for flight physics and other aeronautical and engineering disciplines. The popular and innovative conference was created by the Airbus UK team seven years ago as a way to engage and collaborate with the UK’s research and technology community.
This year, we were excited to talk about advanced digital solutions for distributed computing and cloud-based workflows. One of our products, EPIC, was included in a technology demonstrator for on-demand use of HPC resources. EPIC (Short for Elastic, Private, Interactive, Cloud) offers secure and flexible access to a range of global cloud HPC.
Other highlights include, blockchain being demonstrated as a viable tool for managing sensitive data and an Airbus XRF1 test case used for benchmarking new AWS C5 instances and managed HPC resources at CFMS.
We look forward to future DiPaRT events. For more information on any of our products, do get in touch.
We gratefully acknowledge support from the Aerospace Technology Institute / Innovate UK “Enhanced Fidelity Transonic Wing” and “Cloud Burst” projects and a proof of concept study from Amazon AWS.