Zenotech, one of Bristol’s leading tech brands, was surprised to learn that their cloud computing company was starring in a new Hollywood festive movie, “Office Christmas Party”, which opens 7 December in the UK. The team were invited to an exclusive advance screening last night, which turned into their very own office party.
In a wild coincidence where art imitates life, the onscreen Zenotech is a cloud computing company just like its Bristol namesake but that’s where the similarities end. One crucial difference is the leadership styles of the movie’s uptight CEO, Carol Vanstone, played by Jennifer Aniston, and the ‘real’ Zenotech co-founders, internationally recognised engineering experts, David Standingford and Jamil Appa.
The Zenotech team took the opportunity to celebrate the end of a successful year at an advance screening of the film, with celebratory drinks, festive photo booths, and actors playing inebriated office revellers.
In “Office Christmas Party”, Jennifer Aniston’s character tries to close her party animal brother’s branch of Zenotech, and he (T. J. Miller) and his Chief Technical Officer (Jason Bateman) must rally their co-workers to host an epic Christmas party to impress a client and save their jobs.
In the real Zenotech, EPIC stands for Elastic Private Interactive Cloud, which provides easy and secure access to a global range of cloud high performance computing and can initiate and scale jobs anywhere in minutes. Although a world away from the real life techies’ Christmas party, the film celebrates the power of technology teams to achieve their goals when they work together.
Director and co-founder of Zenotech, David Standingford said:
“We could not believe it when we heard that Zenotech based here in Bristol, featured in this massive Hollywood film. It’s such a coincidence that that the celluloid tech brand is also a cloud computing company like us. After watching the movie though, it seems that’s where the likeness ends!
“We’d like to think that we have a more encouraging leadership style and innovative approaches to running a tech brand than the CEO of Zenotech in the film, played by Jennifer Aniston. Whilst our own office party was not as wild as the onscreen version, we took the opportunity to have a tech team night out at an exclusive screening of the movie last night.”
Zenotech delivers innovative, HPC cloud-based solutions, and its systems work to enable clients to be more agile, flexible and react quickly to the ever-changing computational engineering market place. The exciting tech company is based at the Bristol and Bath Science Park wth CFMS in Bristol and is part of the SETsquared partnership at the Engine Shed.