CAA and CFD Specialist, Product Lead Acoustics
Mark Allan is a Computational Aero-Acoustics (CAA) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) specialist with many years of experience developing advanced software for the aerospace and maritime sectors. Mark joined BAE Systems Advanced Technology Centre in 2005, where he was the lead for CAA methods concept and development – providing capability to Airbus, Type 45, Type 26, the Successor programme, and the Ministry of Defence. Mark has a wealth of expertise in the industrialisation of the latest CFD technologies from academia to further enhance industrial capabilities.
Mark is the Zenotech Lead for CAA methods development, and is also the Lead for our high order accuracy CFD solver. Mark’s software development responsibilities include high fidelity CFD and CAA through the use of unstructured high-order methods, rapid aero-acoustic source generation, overset / chimaera approaches combining traditional and high order CFD techniques, fluid structure interaction, mesh generation and immersed boundary methods.
Mark also performs consultancy services in many aspects of high fidelity CFD and CAA. Mark has presented at numerous international conferences and workshops, and is a member of the UK EPSRC College of Peer Reviewers providing industrial expertise.
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