Our critical role in the Future Flight project over the last few years has immersed us in the drone sector. This world-first project involves leveraging our CFD tools to enable safer, more commercially viable drone flight. So of course, we became members of ARPAS-UK, the collective voice of the UK drone industry.
ARPAS-UK, the Association of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, works collectively to achieve the benefits of using drones for the UK economy and wider society. To discover more about this non-profit organisation, we caught up with the CEO, Anne-Lise Scaillierez. Read on to hear more about their priorities, exciting developments, and what the future holds for drone flight.
With her background in defence and aerospace, Anne-Lise Scallierez is in a perfect position to lead Arpas-UK and push the drone sector forward, becoming its director in 2018 and then CEO a year ago.
Anne- Lise began:
“Drones are a professional tool to capture images and data safely, and soon to perform actions such as spraying or transporting goods and people. They help teams perform their dull, dangerous, dirty operations in a safer, smarter, cheaper, efficient way.
“The quality of the images and the digital output is constantly improving, drones are part of the digital transformation.
Most drones have electric propulsion, they are part of the CO2-reduction journey. The drone ecosystem has rapidly developed over the last decade or so, from prototypes to a more mature high-tech industry with data capture ability and powerful systems. Our vision of drones encompasses innovative aircrafts and related systems used for Aerial Operations (inspection, mapping, videography, surveillance…) up to and including Air Mobility.
Since taking on the role, I’ve been keen to refine ARPAS-UK goals to prioritise resources and respond to what matters to our members.”
Their first goal evolves around regulations, which is of interest to Zenotech as we work with the CAA on standards as part of our Future Flight project. Anne-Lise goes on:
“The first priority is about “Proportionate Regulations and Standards”, right here, right now. We advocate proportionate regulations and standards that define business now and over the next three years. We’re involved in lobbying and working with the CAA and the Department for Transport.
“Next is to expand the market and educate and engage the end-user and the sector as a whole. This involves working with surveyors, the construction industry, local authorities, and other stakeholders to engage and collect data on the market for transporting cargo and people.”
Finally, Anne-Lise comes to an area that is right up our street as we work on our Future Flight project:
“The third priority is about addressing future-facing challenges. The organisation strives to push the boundaries for industry growth beyond 2025 and act as a central channel in the ecosystem for intelligence on technologies, technical requirements, competencies, and informing future regulations.”
Future flight – safer drone flight
On Zenotech’s Future Flight project, Anne-Lise is positive:
“This project by ARPAS-UK members, Zenotech and Flare Bright, is vital for beyond-the-line-of-sight drone flight and safer airspace sharing on a routine basis, which will be essential to improve drone safety and commerciality. I love the use of simulation to demonstrate the safety aspect which is cost-effective and time-saving.
“Without these hi-tech tools, it is an expensive journey to prove safety and test all the permutations of wind on a particular day with a manual crew. All the costs will add up. This Future Flight project will save money and really push the envelope.”
Drone flight is such an exciting area, so what does the future hold? Anne-Lise offers a taster of what’s coming next…
“The Department for Transport published the Future of Flight Action Plan in April this year. It is the first time the industry has a collective roadmap. The first important strategic objective is achieving routine BVLOS operations in the UK by 2027. The second strategic objective is routine operations of eVTOL aircraft by 2030. These large cargo and passenger forms of transport should be safer and quieter than traditional helicopters.”
One of the major aspects of ARPAS-UK is that it works on behalf of its members. On this, Anne-Lise said:
“There are many benefits of becoming a member. A valuable area is knowledge exchange – sharing with industry peers as well as education through events and webinars. It helps the community and sector to feel connected. We organise several key events throughout the year, such as expos, which our members find valuable to reach potential clients and partners.
“The organisation, run to a large extent by volunteers, also speaks up for the sector as a whole, liaising with the CAA and lobbying on behalf of the sector, which benefits members and the drone industry in the UK.”
Drone flight could be transformational in reducing CO2, creating smarter, cleaner transportation, as well as improving digital imaging. Our Future Flight project and ARPAS-UK’ three priorities will go a long way to help the sector realise its untapped potential.
Find out more about ARPAS-UK here.
Read more about how our tools are bringing safe drone flight closer here.