Zenotech will be presenting on aero-acoustics and our zCFD tool at the first UK ExCALIBUR Industry-academia interface (IAI) day on the use of high-performance computing for CFD.
This event on Wednesday 4 May 2022 is part of the ExCALIBUR initiative, a UK research programme that aims to deliver the next generation of high-performance simulation software for the highest-priority fields in UK research.
The workshop is designed to examine the use of high-performance computing in various flow solvers targeting fluid flows of industrial relevance.
Mark Allan, our CAA and CFD lead will be speaking about High Fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics and Aero-Acoustics with zCFD.
You can register for the event here: https://imperial.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4NhwEdC8WDhGw18
Find out more about our zCFD tool here.